Cheap tantric massage – is it worth the risk?

Tantra is a relaxing treatment that requires mastering its special technique, not as easy as it might seem. When it comes to massage prices, they vary depending on many factors such as the size of the city, the location of the massage parlor, the decor, or the experience of the masseuses. Read the article below and see if a cheap tantric massage is what you are looking for.

Cheap tantric massage in Warsaw

In Warsaw, the prices of a tantric massage range from about PLN 80 to PLN 400. Why such a discrepancy? Is it worth going to a cheaper massage parlor, or is it a risk?

Cheap Tantra massage – low price and low quality?

A visit to a cheap massage parlor or a makeshift salon set up in the masseuse’s private apartment is a risk. This is primarily because to significantly reduce the price of a massage, you simply need to save on something. Therefore, a very cheap massage in Warsaw can mean one thing – it is performed by a poorly experienced masseuse or the atmosphere will not be as pleasant as in professional salons.

Savings on candles, incense, oils, or even hygiene products is something that should never be allowed. It is worth remembering and not being tempted by a suspiciously low price. A cheap massage for PLN 80 is at least risky. Firstly, it is difficult to find professionalism at this price, and secondly, such a tantric massage will certainly differ in the degree of pleasure from a slightly more expensive one. Both the right atmosphere, candles, decorations, and commitment must cost.

Expensive tantric massage Warsaw – why not?

As we mentioned above, the prices of tantric massages are radically different. However, too expensive a massage service is also not justified here. The recommended price for a tantric massage is about PLN 250 for an hour of pleasure. This is a price that includes everything you should expect from this type of massage – trained and experienced masseuses, compliance with hygiene rules, appropriate decor, decorations, candles, and music. To sum up, if you can successfully find an excellent tantric massage at this price, the price above PLN 350 seems too high.

Desert Rose – tantric massage in Warsaw offers services at an attractive price. In our salon, there is no question of a too cheap “suspicious” version of the massage, nor of artificially inflating prices. Our offer is the best price option in Warsaw – welcome!